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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 3 and last day .. sadd.. Nothing much .. haiis .. Breakfast and area cleaning... AND MY CLASS GOT THE BEST TEAM AWARD! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS .. den otw to SWEET HOME!! last bus to leave .. 1st class to reach cx 1 funny thing happened hahhahs !! Lastly, I wanna thank Daryl for a great Mum and Mariam Dad for her horny jokes! I still remember operation : "skunk"! ROFL

love notesx3 9:35 PM

Day 2. -.-couldn't sleep well thought .. was fresh food for mosquitoes .. haha XD then, Breakfast!then , trek.It was hot that time.So no leeches came out .. wooohoooooo !! hahahaha Bi-cultural activity..sit down and slacked and sleep .. lOL , super tired from the trek.. Lunch~!! Extreme sports tower!the one i've been looking forward to !! Flying fox and abseiling..I had to do flying fox no matter what. hahas ! Was so hot , then rain , the hot again , the shower rain .. LOL While waiting for my turn, we practised our campfire item..And then..DAMN ..I didn't go for flying fox , went for abseiling instead .. sadded .. but It was great though!!! then , heard afiqah had to go home .. hope she'll recover soon !! Campfire prep again..Rehearsed for quite a 3 times..And project teamtanic!Had to build a raft using two "tin cans", and two poles.Seemed successful at first, but little time was given..And in the end, we realised the ropes weren't really secured , but NABIL's KNOT ROCKS !! . Amin and Noh did great too !!! wash up and Dinner~!!! CAMPFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Melvin and Ivan were our emcees.. really super Damn funny!Especially with the dance and gatsby .. hahas and all of course .. Performances were great too.I cheered until I sore throat lor. NYAA + Supper after that.And then GOODNIGHT~ slept quite fast actually also .. gagas

love notesx3 9:22 PM

WELCOME BACK me !! hahaas XD went to school & gathered at the parade square.Mrs Sng gave her speech and the 5Cs thingy with the damn funny 1st C .CC (camp chief) intro us the instructors! 3/6 got Mariam and Daryl !! Took attendance and then a little bit of tiny small small self intro den off we go !!Reached Kota Tinggi !! Crossed the shaky shaky bridge .. so COOL !! Den obsturct the canteen with our LUGGAGE !! Had lunch.. and spamm hungry cheer!! Diaooooo .. After that was Nature rumble !! muddy , cool , and fun XD I saw tadpoles.. hahahas .. next,Indiana Jones! Cool and fun .. hahas .. but the girls keep saying i very shiok when i'm not lor -.- lols . then ,jetty jump was just jumping into the lake from a jetty .. like duhhh ??den shout our wishes .. and den we did twice .. SO NICE !! Low Ropes Course after that.Rebirth and High beam!both teamwork games .. shall not go into it .. cx i wasn't really focusing the games XP .then , Campfire prep! pink panther. lemon tree song. class cheer , NICE Dynamite actions. aunty lucy clap .. Dinner !! .And then night walk .. so nice lah 2 shooting stars .. hahahahahahahahaha .. same wish though .. XD I stargazed otw .. and walk in zigzag .. hahas .. kicked 1 of the instructors .. cx wasn't looking where i was going XP .. supper and wash up time.. SLEEP ! end of day 1

love notesx3 9:03 PM

Friday, January 15, 2010

long time no post this dead blog liao =x shall start by talking today bah ..
have HL .. jiahao .. skip brisk walk with 3/5 and ran with us (the 3/6 , once 2/5nians ) route 1 .. in the end chiong so fast with richard ==''
den double maths lesson .. common and natural log .. quiet simple .. can handle ..
den POA 1st major homework ..
den reccess play basketball in half U =x
den biology .. nothing interesting ==''
den CCA .. stupid stitches .. make mi miss muster parade and give badge ceremony =='' TMD now so tired .. cx when walking home .. slipped and sprain my ankle ==''

love notesx3 8:34 PM

Saturday, November 7, 2009

yesterday very fun..hand in yellow form(not that fun)..basketball!!(like never play liddat)..Blindmice (3 round nia..nvr catch mi also)..continue basketball (like very sianx liddat)..den walk to pris hse via interchange(tired but at least still gt ppl to chat)..took kangling to CC (she gt chior CCA) .. den say bb.. saw my neighbour on the way thr.. den play wii at pris' hse..(fun and COOL) got new game..winter olympic games 2010? hahas..den played super fighter brawl..or sumthing liddat..lose until..haix... went home and dinner..den TADA im here=='' i got a secret but i dont wish to tell it to anyone..except the 1 who is affected :D

love notesx3 2:44 PM

Monday, October 12, 2009

new song in playlist...but try and try but just can't make it the 1st 1..hais..i think jazlyn would be so familiarize with this song bah XD

Just watch final destination 1 and 2 for the past 4 hours..it rox..

i so gonna watch horror movies as my hobby now..hahah

love notesx3 10:17 PM

Sunday, September 27, 2009

OMG lah..i finished my litreature project..forgot to save..and while closing application,ask me want save..i click NO!!!its like what the F***...do so long leh..just finished maths with quite alot of qns dono how do..DOOM lah..havent even re-revise my science and humanities..


OH ya..and my thumbdrive broke=='' cx i drop it..something when wrong..ytd night tried using..den found it broke==''

NOW i need a new thumbdrive
but i also need my old one==''
inside got so many things..KAO==''

love notesx3 5:59 PM


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Age : 15
School : RSS
Class : 3/6



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